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I saw a vision of a deep and wide chasm. On the other side of the chasm, I could see a well-formed pathway that was glowing. I knew the glow was actually the glory of God that was covering the path. The only way to get to the pathway was to cross the ravine, and the only way across it was a tightrope. I could see a line of people, who would walk up to the edge, and while they desired to go to the other side, fear of the chasm overpowered their desire for the glory, and they turned and walked away. Then there was a voice that thundered, saying, “Trust the Lord and fear not!”

I saw another group of people who then came to the edge. They saw the chasm, but their desire for the glory overpowered their fear of the chasm, and they courageously began to take steps on the tightrope. As they did, angels began surrounding them, assisting them to cross over.

I then heard the Lord say, “You are now at a critical point. Your past obedience has led you to this moment and has created supply for your future, but you must choose to go over the chasm. I have provided a way, but it is a way that requires you to completely trust in Me. Your first steps will take a courageous act of faith in Me, but as you move, you will find that I have provided divine assistance. I have commanded the hosts to assist you, and they hearken unto My voice. I have placed My Spirit within you, and as you hearken to His voice and leading, the narrow way won’t seem so daunting. For those who choose to trust Me and fear not, you will find strength and ability to traverse the tight places and enter the way that is filled with My manifested glory.”

Post Author: Gina Gholston

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