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I dreamed we were in a very large stadium, playing baseball. Our team was winning in a very big way, but they didn’t know it. The game had been long, and everyone was extremely tired. We had runners on first and second bases, and our next hitter was up to bat. When the ball was pitched, our hitter slammed it deep into the outfield. As the runners began to head toward third base, the opposing team’s third baseman was waving his hands, saying to our runners, “Just go on home. You’re exhausted, and there’s no way we can catch up to your score, so just give yourself a break and go on to home.”

I was in the dugout, and I instantly realized what was happening. We were winning, and there was no way they could catch up to our score, and they knew it! The only way they could possibly win was by a technicality, so they were trying to play to our emotions and trick us into the technicality that would cause us to have to forfeit the game.

I ran out onto the field, and I was yelling at the top of my lungs, “Keep going! Do not cut corners now! We are winning, and they know it! The only way they can beat us is by a technicality, so keep going! Run on! We’re winning! We are winning!”

Post Author: Gina Gholston

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