There are things that come into our lives in “seed” form. These seeds cannot grow unless we allow them to enter and take root.
Fear, bitterness, anger, rebellion, doubt, unforgiveness, anxiety, etc.– these are all things the enemy will “suggest” through circumstances and situations in an attempt to get you to turn your focus away from God, believe these lies, agree with his “suggestions”, and give entrance for the “seeds” to be planted into our hearts. If allowed to enter, these “seeds” will soon take root and begin to affect our thoughts, emotions, and our actions. The seeds do not yield their intended fruit until we allow them to take root in us!
The same is true with the Word of God. It comes to us as seed. The Word contains God’s intentions, plans, truths, strategy, identity for our lives, but Its fruit will not produce in is and for us unless we allow It to take root!
Bottom line…take a good look at what fruit is being produced in your life…this will reveal the root! If you find fruit that has come because you allowed satan’s “seeds of suggestions” to be planted in your mind, will, and emotions, the good news is, you can renounce, pluck up, sever and cast out those seeds, roots and fruits! Read 2 Corinthians 10:4-6. We pluck do this by renewing our minds to the Word of God (Ephesians 4:23 and Romans 12:2). In other words…change the way you think by hearing, receiving, and believing what God has said and is saying about you! Let His Word take root in your mind, and it will affect your will and emotions. Choose those seeds from God. Allow them to take root and they will produce His fruit (Galatians 5:22-23).
Fear, bitterness, doubt, anger…these things don’t just happen, they are the fruit of a seed satan sent and suggested through circumstances. If he can convince you to receive the seed, the seed will take root and produce this fruit!
Peace, joy, victory, overcoming power, etc. doesn’t just happen, they are the fruit of the seed that God sends through His Word, Holy Spirit, and through His prophets. If God can convince you to receive His Seed, the Seed will take root and It will produce His fruit!
The fruit being produced in our lives is determined by who’s report/seed we believe and receive?