On January 3, 2025, the Lord gave to me a dream. I shared that dream on my Facebook post on January 4, 2025, and it is also posted here on my website’s Dreams Page ginagholstonministries.org/2025/01/06/the-shout-that-shatters/ There were so many who responded to the post with comments of agreement and confirmation. During this time when many within the Church are fasting and praying, some suggested that I compile some prayers and decrees as a resource to help us unite in our praying for the next several days. So, I began to pray for the Lord’s guidance in this. I reached out to some of my friends, who are trusted intercessors, and asked them to read the dream and the sixth chapter of Joshua and share with me anything they felt Holy Spirit directed them to share. From the things the Lord has shown us in our time in prayer and seeking Him, I have compiled a list of decrees and prayers that I feel will be helpful for us as we step into this “allotted time” to release our “shout that shatters.”
I feel that we should spend time worshipping the Lord, turning our focus onto Him. In the dream, He said, “The time is now.” So, I think we should begin now to release the decrees daily, using the list and also following Holy Spirit as He leads us in prayer. But I also felt there needed to be at least one day and one specific time when we would all join together across the nation and the world and pray, declare, and decree in unison. So on, January 19th, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. CST—please note this is Central Standard Time, so you will need to adjust that time to your specific time zone—I am asking that we join our faith and lift our prayers and release a unified “Shout of Triumph” unto Yahweh that will shake and shatter evil agendas, shift the adverse winds, and establish an atmosphere of praise that will shift our nation and provoke awakening revival in our land.
You can meet together with friends or other intercessors, or you can do this by yourself in your home. Let’s all use the list of decrees and prayers on that day and at that specific time so that we are unified in agreement (and of course continuing on as Holy Spirit leads each one). I suggest that we each have a map of the United States (those in other nations may have a map of your nation) and join hands with each other if we are with a group. If you are alone, you may want to lay your hands on the map. By faith we will join in agreement, surrounding this nation with decrees and prayers for God’s Kingdom to come and for His will to be done!
Please take the time to read the dream and to read Joshua, chapter six. This is important.
I feel it is also important to share with you some insight from a friend of mine who is a seasoned intercessor. She stated that, while reading Joshua, chapter six, five things stood out to her.
- The Lord had given them the Promised Land, but they had to battle to claim the Land. The Lord has given us a victory over our nation with the election win, but now we need to claim the land and the victory.
- Emphasis is placed on the importance of the Lord’s presence (the Ark of the Covenant) going with them in the taking of the city. We must have His presence with us!
- The importance of recognizing what the Lord had already delivered into their hands (verse two). We must know and believe, “lay hold” by faith to that which God has promised. We must believe what He has said for our prayers to be fervent and effectual!
- The importance and emphasis that is placed on getting the divine, precise strategy the Lord has provided to claim what He has given. We must hear from Him and then agree with Him in confident faith for His will to be done.
- Then, we must see the importance of recognizing when what He has promised has come to completion. We must be led by Holy Spirit, allowing Him to work through us to complete each assignment and to declare it is finished so that we can continue to go forward with Him and not keep circling the same mountains.
All of this is important as we shout and pray over our nation as shown in the dream. She also sensed strongly that the Lord is asking us to not only shout over our nation, but also over our homes, cities, counties, and states as the Lord guides each one of us, staying within our realm of authority.
It was suggested that some may want to gather at their county seats or state capitols for times of prayer between now and the inauguration. If gathering at these places is something you feel led to do, then by all means, follow Holy Spirit as He leads.
On January 19th at 12:00 p.m. CST, some may want to gather in churches or homes. Whether you gather with a group or alone in your own home, we are all uniting in this assignment, and your prayers and agreement are powerful and necessary!
Thank you for taking your place and for lifting your voice!
I am posting the compiled list of decrees and prayers here on my website. I have also posted this list to my Facebook page. Feel free to print and share this list.
The Dream
January 3, 2025, I was awakened from a dream in which I was with a large group of people, and we began to join hands and form a circle around a huge map of the USA. The map was moving about, as if being shaken by a very strong wind. It seemed as though the map would be ripped apart by the adverse wind. Then there was a sudden surge of the anointing of Holy Spirit that came over us, and I heard the Lord say, “Release a shout that shatters, dismantles, and causes evil agendas to fall and crumble!”
Instantly we lifted our united hands toward Heaven and we released a loud and long shout of praise unto the Lord! As we did this, the map settled down and then began to rise.
And the Lord instructed us: “Take hold of My covenantal promises, release the shout of triumph, and walls of opposition will fall, giving you access to this land. I am giving you a moment in which to advance with My purposes. The time is now.”
When I woke up, I was immediately led to read Joshua chapter 6. There is a sense of urgency that I am feeling. A sense that we have been allotted a time and an urgency that we must follow Holy Spirit very intently and precisely within that time frame!
Prayers and Decrees
Father, we turn our hearts and our focus onto You. We come before You with honor, sincere worship, and adoration. We praise You, Lord, for who You are and for all You do and have done! We submit ourselves to You—to hear Your voice, to know the thoughts of Your heart, and to align our thoughts and our words with the desires and intentions of Your heart.
Jesus, You said in Matthew 18:19 that when two or more unite in prayer, our combined and united agreement carries significant power to receive from You. So, we come together now, in agreement with You and with each other, united in prayer and declaration for our nation.
Your Word exhorts us to clap our hands and to shout unto You with the voice of triumph and with songs of joy (Psalm 47:1). We see through this exhortation that the KEY of triumph is in our mouths! Our “key weapon” is our unified voices, fervently declaring the TRIUMPH of our God! So, we lift our voices, and we declare that our unified shout of triumph is shaking this nation!
We declare that as we release our sound, the key is unlocking doors to those secret places where evil has been hiding, and exposure is happening and justice is returning and being served!
We say, the shout of our King is among us (Numbers 23:21). Lord, Your shout is Your battle cry. It is a call to unify the Ekklesia with an unshakeable confidence and agreement with You. We hear Your call, and we respond! We shout unto You, O, Lord, with a voice of triumph. We release our shouts of worship unto You, Yahweh, our God, and unto You, Yeshua, our Righteous King. By faith, we join our hearts and decrees with Your heart, and we link ourselves together in faith and agreement with Your will all across this nation and this world, and we surround this nation in unified agreement with You. Let the sound of our pure and raw worship rise to You, and in its rising, let it shake the heavens, tearing down strongholds of evil and demolishing evil intentions, and dismantling evil agendas.
Ezra 3:11 states, “They sang responsively, praising and giving thanks to the LORD, ‘For He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever . . .’ And all the people shouted with a great shout when they praised the LORD because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid.”
Father, just as that moment marked a new beginning for the Israelites in the time of Ezra, we declare this moment marks a new beginning for our nation as we declare our freedom from lies and bondage.
We take hold of Your covenantal promises: salvation, healing, deliverance, protection, freedom, provision, wisdom, power and authority over all the works of the devil, deliverance from evil, power to overcome and triumph through Christ Jesus and to proclaim victory in His name! No word or prophetic promise that You have ever spoken concerning Israel, the Church, this nation, or even our own lives has been altered (see Psalm 89:34). Your covenantal promises stand forever! Your Word is infallible Truth, and through salvation, we, Your heirs, receive and operate in the fullness of our inheritance!
We rise with a united voice to release our shout of triumph with an expectation that You have gone before us and that You have given us this land. We hold fast to the promise that “America shall be saved!” This is the time! In the name and the authority of Yeshua the Messiah, our shout shatters, dismantles, and causes evil agendas to fall and crumble! Our prayers of faith and agreement become the fulcrum that rests on the truth of Your Word and Your will, and our press in prayer and agreement exerts power to set things in motion to shift what needs to be shifted and to move what needs to be moved in order to pivot things and bring this nation back into alignment with Your timing and Your intentions!
We shout, “Grace! Grace!” to every wall of demonic opposition that has stood, and still attempts to stand, in opposition to the will, verdict, and purposes of Yahweh for this nation, and God’s roar through us releases His authority into this land. As our shout reverberates with Your sound, those walls will fall and crumble beneath our feet as we march forward with Your victory!
We, Your governing Ekklesia, rise with unrelenting boldness, fearless obedience, and unmatched authority in the name of Jesus to advance with Your purposes. It is not by our might or strength that these walls will fall and shift and change will come; it is by the power of Your Spirit working in us and through us to accomplish Your purposes!
Father, we step into this allotted moment, and we will run with the evidence of Your glory! We decree this is the time of awakening revival and reformation. We are crossing over from the place of darkness and confusion into the manifested Light of Your glory, and with undaunted obedience to Your directives, we will have unprecedented breakthrough, and this nation will rise, renewed and realigned with Your Kingdom purposes!
We declare that the adverse winds seeking to destroy this nation are now being overtaken by the Wind of Holy Spirit as He blows upon us to re-life this nation with a tangible blast of the breath of God to initiate an awakening to an awareness of Him that cannot be avoided or denied! We declare that every form of evil that has been influencing our culture, government, and the minds of the people is now being broken by the power and the authority of Yeshua!
We shout His name over this nation, over our families, over our government, over our school systems, over our churches, and over our lives! “Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!” We shout the holy and all-powerful name of Jesus! At His name demons flee! No enemy can withstand Him! At His name bondages are broken! At His name, eyes open to see truth. Ears open to hear truth. At His name the spirit of delusion breaks! We shout, “SEE! SEE! SEE!”
We decree that hearts are returning to You! The billion-soul harvest will be reaped! America is being saved. We are anchored in Jesus! We are established on the foundation of Your Word and the precepts of Your original “foreword,” Your intentions for the existence of this nation.
We decree that we are one nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all!
We decree that America is still the land of the free and the home of the brave.
We decree that God has shed His grace on this land, and we are crowned with brotherhood from sea to shining sea.
We decree, Jesus, that this land of the United States of America is Your land! You are King and Lord of this nation!
We decree that the Gospel will go forth into all of this land and out from this land to impact the world with the hope and reality of Jesus Christ.
We decree that now is the time for revival, awakening, and transformation in this land and in our world.
We declare an uncovering and a dismantling in the camp of the enemy! No weapon that has been formed against the plans and intentions of God for our nation will prosper. Every snare is broken!
We declare that the awakened Ekklesia is marching to the command of Holy Spirit, and like Joshua of old, we take hold of Your covenantal promises, Yahweh, and You will watch over every word and promise to perform them!
We declare that the tables are being overturned, and underhanded deals, plots, plans, ploys, and schemes of evil intentions are being revealed and unraveled, and justice will be served!
We declare that our unified shout of triumph is overpowering and silencing the bullying spirit that has operated in an evil effort to intimidate and silence those who stand on and declare Your Truth!
We decree that fear has lost its ability to control the minds of people through their emotions, and the spirit of intimidation is bound and gagged by the proclamations released out of the mouths of God’s governing Ekklesia!
We decree that the Spirit of God is freeing the voices of the bearers of truth! The key of triumph is in our mouths, and we insert the key! We release our shout unto God with the voice of triumph!
We decree that infirmity shall not overtake our bodies. The power of God goes forth to undo and reverse every work of darkness. The peace of God permeates our atmosphere. Father, You declared in Your Word that You take sickness from among us. No weapon formed against us will prosper. We disallow and renounce every curse and attempt from hell to impair us. Those curses and attempts are being dismantled and destroyed by the Word of truth, the power of the blood, and the authority of the name of Jesus. By His stripes we are and were healed! We confess You, Jesus, as Lord, and we are saved, healed, delivered, protected, preserved, and made whole. We take hold of these promises! This is our heritage from the Lord.
We release our shout of triumph into America and into the nations! We will not stop! We release our key weapon that turns things and sets things back into God’s order and timing!
We will not come down off the wall!
We stay the course!
We set our faces like a flint!
We will not grow weary in our assignments or in well doing, and we will see the salvation of the Lord!
In the name and in the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen! It is so!!