Never underestimate acts of obedience to God. Spend time with Him intentionally, and He will equip you with knowledge of His will, His heart, and His plan. He will begin to connect you to people that are necessary for you and you for them. He may guide you to places with instruction for necessary prayer assignments. He may guide you to make very specific career choices, give you business or ministry ideas, lead you to run for political office, start a new job, move to a new location, or maybe something as simple as leading you to go to the grocery store when you didn’t intend to go, or call an old friend that you haven’t spoken to in years. Whatever the case may be, listen and obey!
The people He connects you to may have wisdom or the ability to unlock your next assignment, or maybe you are anointed to speak a word that will awaken something in them that is necessary for their journey. Maybe the prayer assignment will be instrumental in tearing down evil strongholds and shifting the spiritual atmosphere over regions, churches, territories, and will set things in motion that will transform lives and spark awakening to God in those regions and territories. Maybe the unplanned visit to the grocery store could lead you to a God-ordained meeting with someone that opens the door that you’ve been needing to open or a door that you were not even expecting. Maybe your run for political office will be the necessary spark that ignites that calling in other people who were afraid to take the leap of faith, and God will begin to transform cities, counties, school districts, states, and even the nation through Godly political influencers! Maybe that person He instructs you to call is praying for a specific confirmation from the Lord, and your call is the answer to that prayer. That call could be the key that catapults a major God-happening in and through their lives that will impact many other lives.
There is always purpose in His leading. Holy Spirit will order our steps, and as we obey His leading, He will anoint our feet to run with God’s Kingdom purposes, igniting and marking this land with the fires of Glory and revival.