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I hear the Lord saying, “Be encouraged. Your labor has not been in vain. You are on the verge of an unprecedented move of My Spirit—nothing like you have thought or imagined!” Wow!

God once showed me a vision, in which I saw an army of people, and they were lying on the ground all over a field. They were dressed in what I would describe as “biblical-looking” army garb. Although they all appeared to be dead, in my spirit I knew they were not dead, but what I heard was, “They are exhausted”. Then all of a sudden there was a sound that was released, and immediately, upon the release of this sound, every soldier was renewed with strength, and simultaneously stood to their feet, got positioned, and stood ready to move. And then I heard loudly and adamantly, “Wake up the Warriors!” I was going to be speaking in a couple of days, so I thought maybe the Lord was giving me a message direction. After about an hour of study, I then asked the Lord what this vision was about. He then said to me, “I am not giving you a sermon, I am giving you a mandate…Wake up My Warriors!”

For countless people in the Body of Christ, this has been one of the most difficult seasons we have ever faced. I hear it everywhere I go, and it’s not just one thing happening…It’s everything coming from seemingly every direction—spiritual, emotional, financial, physical—and the result of the pressures of this season has left many…exhausted. But I say to you, perk up your spiritual ears. Listen for the sound! God is awakening His church. We’ve been lulled to sleep by pressures and distractions, and we’ve worn ourselves out with struggles (some necessary, some not so much), but this is a new season…a new era! Regardless of how you feel in this moment, I declare over you that all you have gone through has not gained the victory over you.

The Lord said to me, “There is nothing that has been done that cannot be undone, and there is nothing that has been lost that cannot be found!” So, shake the dust off. It’s time to get refocused, realigned, re-positioned. Shake yourself from the distractions of the old season, stand up on your feet, and get ready to move!

If you will refocus, I believe renewed strength and determination is going to sweep through your being. Joy is returning, right perspective is returning, purpose is returning. Wake up Warrior! This is not the time for weariness…This is our due season!

Gina Gholston

Post Author: Gina Gholston